Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Elephant buttons on material

 the material is vintage from Bombay, India


2 tiny plastic, and 2 metal

click on image to enlarge

Saturday, February 19, 2022


Sporting buttons were worn by gentlemen on their jackets (hunting coats). Commonly found in sets, early sporting buttons depict game, hunting dogs and hunters, as well other sporting  activities such as fishing etc.
Materials include metals, horn, pearl, ivory and enamel
my card are metal and one horn
the 1st button in last row is a HUNT button not sporting
click on image to enlarge


LIVERY antique  BUTTONS Typically depicting heraldic designs of the family, livery buttons were worn on servants clothing (livery) provided by the master of the household and only occasionally by the owner.  Major types include achievements, and  crests, there are also badges, initials, and monograms. Most livery buttons were made of metal , but horn, pearl, and glass mounted in metal exist.
When the master of the house died, metal buttons were darkened for a period of mourning 

click on image to enlarge